Problems faced by Portfolio Managers

Strategic Alignment & Undefined Goals

The lack of clarity in defining goals and starting projects which are not aligned with company’s current strategy results in poor execution, soaring financial results.

Governance & Standardization

Formulating a coherent and robust project governance process is often complicated, and it requires significant time to implement a standardized, repeatable process.

Manual Process & Inconsistent Data

Sticking to manual processes and labor not only result in conflicting and unreliable data but also lead to loss of resources time and efforts.

Lacking Transparency & Visibility

Little to no availablility of data and no visibility of underlying projects create confusion amongst teams. The resulting lack of visibility jeopardizes the entire roadmap of the project.

Scoring & Analysis

Erroneous reports created manually and vague insights into the project prevent Portfolio Managers from prioritizing and optimizing the right projects at the right time.

Resource & Risk Management

The lack of visibility and confusion lead to ineffective resource management which further results in bottlenecks and delays. Plus, with no risk analysis and mitigation, the project is bound to failure.

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